AntiCancer Pharmacology

Bertin Pharma is able to evaluate the efficacy of new anticancer candidates, chemical substances (i.e. drugs) but also vaccine, gene therapy, alone or with partners.
- Our Unique Integrated Offer
- AntiCancer Molecules Analysis
Our Unique Integrated Offer
Our strong partnership with Oncodesign and CERB allows us to propose an integrated offer, for example in vivo imaging for mice and rats but also other animal species such as the rabbit.
AntiCancer Molecules Analysis
Nucleoside derivatives remain one important part of anticancer therapy and, as antiviral nucleoside derivatives, their pharmacological efficiency is related to their intracellular phosphorylation.
Bertin Pharma is able to quantify Anticancer Molecules and especially triphosphorylated derivatives of anticancer nucleoside derivatives e.g. Gemcitabine and, anticancer gene therapy and their level of integration in cell genome.
This capacity allows :
- optimization of dosages, dosing schedules & combination therapy,
- evaluation of drug resistance mechanisms, and
- biodistribution & safety of gene therapies.